Ooty Munnar taxi fare Cab to munnar drop charges
Ooty to munnar taxi drop taxi fare Rs. 6000 with all expense
The cheapest way to travel from Ooty To Munnar will cost you Rs. 4217 for a one way cab journey. A one way chauffeur-driven car rental saves you money vs having to pay for a round trip. It is also much more comfortable and convenient as you have a driver driving you in your dedicated car.
Car Rental services available for all cab types AC, Non AC, Economical, SUV, Sedan and Tempo Traveller. HATCHBACK AC | 4 SEATER. 150 Km. Rs 13.5/Km. SEDAN AC | 4 SEATER. 150 Km. Rs 13.5/Km. 150 Km. Rs 19.5/Km.
Ooty to Munnar Taxi Fare. Night driver allowance if the cab and driver are engaged during the night-time (10 PM to 6 AM) Additional kilometers charged if you exceed your designated kilometer quota. Additional hours if you exceed your designated duration of cab usage.