cochin to Ooty Trip

The distance between Kochi and Ooty is 299 kms and required time is 6 hrs.

You may choose to hire a cab to Ooty from Kochi city, railway station or airport. You can book a taxi like Indica, Micra, Indigo, Dzire, Etios, Innova, Tempo Traveller and luxury cars for your weekend getaway, holiday destination, honeymoon, family outing, pilgrimage etc. You can check the taxi fare and estimated cab cost for Kochi to Ooty trip. If you are looking for Ooty to Kochi taxi services we again will be happy to serve you.

Kochi To Ooty ​​Car Rental Prices & Options

The cheapest way to travel from Kochi ​To Ooty ​will cost you ​Rs. 5500 ​for a one way cab journey. A one way chauffeur-driven car rental saves you money vs having to pay for a round trip. It is also much more comfortable and convenient as you have a driver driving you in your dedicated car.